In this episode, we embark on a thought-provoking discussion inspired by recent events. Our host reflects on the tragic loss of Stockton Rush and the Ocean Gate submersible Titan, which was on a mission to explore the Titanic wreckage. While the incident has made headlines, our focus goes beyond the tragedy.
Join us as we challenge the notion that safety is the absence of risk and explore the crucial role of safety managers in assessing, mitigating, and communicating risks. Discover why understanding and managing risks wisely is essential for organizations to grow while ensuring the safety and well-being of their employees and stakeholders. Tune in to gain valuable insights and join the conversation on risk and safety management.
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Thanks for listening and stay safe!
In this episode, we embark on a thought-provoking discussion inspired by recent events. Our host reflects on the tragic loss of Stockton Rush and the Ocean Gate submersible Titan, which was on a mission to explore the Titanic wreckage. While the incident has made headlines, our focus goes beyond the tragedy.
Join us as we challenge the notion that safety is the absence of risk and explore the crucial role of safety managers in assessing, mitigating, and communicating risks. Discover why understanding and managing risks wisely is essential for organizations to grow while ensuring the safety and well-being of their employees and stakeholders. Tune in to gain valuable insights and join the conversation on risk and safety management.
Contact Safety Chats
Learn more about Safety Management System’s at
Thanks for listening and stay safe!